logo Helsetjenestens driftsorganisasjon for nødnett

More about HDO HF

The feedback of our clients is that we are solution orientated and dedicated. We know that these are important to solve our social mission. At the same time, we continuously ​work to improve and develop our competence.

HDO shall be a tool to our owners through delivery of good information and communication solutions in the prehospital environment and the chain of emergency care.

HDO like any other organization meets a count of external conditions that will affect the business in short and long term. We are familiar with the following conditions that most likely will affect us in the strategy period: clarifications related to the management and ownership of the health sector's emergency network user equipment, new client groups that wants to use emergency equipment which includes changes in the usage pattern, changes related to control rooms we operate and adjustments attached to today's XDO- structure, the need to operate and develop new interfaces as a result of new technical solutions (for example safe computer communication and new radio terminals) and replacement of technology. ​

Our already achieved competence and experience with national rollout of new technical system solutions and the operating of these will contribute to us being able to meet opportunities and challenges we will face in the next strategy period in a good and sustainable way.

Headset with HDO's logo

​What is HDO's purpose? 

HDO HF's purpose and main tasks appears from the health trust's articles of association and other governing documents.

HDO HF is a common unit for the four regional health trusts where the purpose is to contribute to realising the health services collective aims and goals.

The overall policy objectives for the health services applies to the business.

HDO HF shall perform their tasks and implement the management requirements within the limitations and targets that's been given and the resources which are made available.

HDO HF shall aim towards a result in the balance sheet in the individual budget and financial year.

Last updated 1/6/2023